Why can't I delete a project?

Why can't I delete a project?

If you are unable to delete a project, it means you do not have the necessary rights. To change that, a manager needs to edit your permissions in Access Management or create a new role for you following the steps below.

Step 1: In Access Management, under "User Permissions," they can find out what role you have. For example, Bert Bertander has the "Property Manager" role. 

Step 2: They have the option to click on the dropdown menu and change the role.

If the needed permissions are not available within the current roles, they can create or edit roles.

Step 1: Click on "Roles."

Step 2: Select the role they want to edit from the list and click on it, or click on "Create role" on the top right-hand side of the screen.

Step 3: A sidebar will open with the permissions and checkboxes. From there, ensure the "Delete Project" box is checked.

Step 4: Save the changes.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support team.
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