Starting your Proprli journey

Starting your Proprli journey

When you first access Proprli, follow the steps below to start using the platform.

Step 1: Enter your first and last name, and create a password; once you do that, you can click on Agree and Join.

Step 2: Select your preferred language.

Step 3: At the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, you will find an icon with your initials on it - that’s where the Profile Settings are; if you have management permissions, Access Management should also be available. 

Step 4: On the top left-hand corner of the screen, you will find the notification icon, where all changes related to your account and the buildings you have access to will appear. You can edit your notifications preferences by accessing Settings → Notifications.

Step 5: On the left-hand side of your screen, you will find the features available for your account, such as Buildings, Notifications, Dashboards, Sustainability, Reports, and General. If you hover your mouse over the icons, you can access more items.

A few tips and tricks:
If the text is green, it is a hyperlink.

The three-dotted icon highlighted below usually appears when you hover over line items such as Projects and Certificates - by clicking on it, you will have the option to Edit or Delete corresponding items.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support team.

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