Within the Project page, you can see Bid Rooms & Contract Rooms at the very top. That’s where you should go to create tenders, add manual quotes and new contracts.
When accessing the Project page, click on “New Bid Room” to start a Tender.
By doing so, you should be redirected to a New Tender, where you will first set up the basics, such as:
Name of the Bid Room: the standard name will be Service Provider, but this can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon right next to the title.
Project Description: this is where you can describe what you need from the Service Provider; the standard description is the project description, but it can be edited.
Bids Due: Due dates for bids or any other deadlines you might want to set.
Project Shared Documents: Add documents that might be relevant to the tender process.
After setting up the Bid Room, there are two ways to invite bidders:
Option 1: Click on “Invite bidders” on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, upon which bidders will only need to fill in a Total Amount, and they will also have the option to share documents that can be added manually later on. Check this article for more information.
Option 2: Click on "Setup bid form" on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, which will create a split in cost that the supplier needs to fill in. More information about this option can be found here.
Once the bidders are invited, you should be redirected to the following page:
Before you request new quotes, a good practice is to “Preview as Bidder.” This way you get to see what the bidders will receive from you, and if the request is not as clear as you wanted, you can always go back and reopen it.
If you are satisfied with the setup created, you can move on to requesting quotes by clicking on the button “Request New Quote.”
Once you have done that, it will be possible to select and invite contacts to bid. To do so, hover over the line of the contact you want to invite and click on the arrow pointing to the right. Selected contacts will then be added to the column on the right.
After selecting the bidders, click on "Continue." The chosen contacts will be listed and you will get the option to send a personalised message. We do have a template that you can use and edit as you wish before sending. This is also where you can select whether or not you would like to receive a copy of the email message.
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