How can I check the approval status of the RFA?

How can I check the approval status of the RFA?

You can see the RFA status in the Bid Room, within the "Manage bids" tab.

Once you click on "Selected (Pending Approval)," you will be able to see the status of the RFA on the top right-hand corner. There are three different status:

Option 1: Pending

If there are pending approvals, the status will be in orange and the pending responses will be listed.

Option 2: Approved

After all approvers have agreed, the status will change to green, indicating it has been approved.

Option 3: Rejected

If the RFA is rejected by one of the approvers, the status will be red. Don't worry, if that's the case, you will have the ability to reopen the approval flow and make any required changes before submitting it for approval again. Learn more about this here.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support team.
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