Step 4: Select the option that better fits your needs in the menu on the bottom-right hand side of your screen. Learn more about the options here.
Step 5: If the choice was to “Confirm instruction” and the visit has been scheduled, it will still be possible to change the mandate amount.
Step 6: Click on the pencil icon on the right-hand side of the amount you want to edit.
Step 7: Enter the updated amount in the editable field and click on the checkmark.
Step 8: Choose whether or not you want to inform the supplier of the change.
Step 9: Within the current stage, Visit Scheduled, you can also choose the option “Report on visit,” available on the bottom-right hand side of the screen. If the scheduled visit already happened, the supplier was not able to fix the issue and needs to send a new quote, a form will be available where they can enter the reasoning and the new amount.
Step 10: If accepted, there will be no issue and the supplier will be able to initiate the work order. If rejected, the work order will be reopened and its status will go back to “Pending Supplier Confirmation,” where it will be possible to edit the mandate amount, as explained in steps 1 through 4.