Step 2: After creating a Meter Profile, if you hover over its corresponding line, in the Name column you should see a three-dotted icon.
Step 3: When you click on t three-dotted icon, you will have the option to edit or delete the Meter Profile.
Step 4: While editing, it should be possible for you to edit the spaces served by the meter profile and add meter readings.
Step 5: If you click on Add Meter Reading, a new window will pop up and you will be able to add the period start and end, the usage corresponding to the unit that was previously selected, and the spend.
The required information when adding readings may vary according to the utility selected and its type.
Step 6: Once you are done, click on Save in the Meter Profile window, and the added readings will be saved to that particular meter.
Step 7: It is possible to filter your Utility Meter Profiles by Type. This option is available below the Energy, Water, and Waste tabs.